
Akona Ndungane is an Ad-freak who dabbles in blogging and social activism.

We had a few questions for her and this is what she had to say.

1. What was your first phone?

A yellow covered Erickson. It was so cool because my mother and I would swap covers.

2. What do you prefer? Facebook or Twitter? Why?

Both for different reasons. Twitter is easy, fast paced and I don’t have to give too much.
Facebook is extremely personal for me, so I have only a few friends. Due to the small group I can post things that are closer to me.

3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Travelling the continent and writing about African creativity

4. Any question for us? (we will publish our answer as well)

When did you fall in life with life? and what was the trigger?

In 2009. When i discovered the true power of art.

5. What would you do if you were president for a day?

Meet up with with all the African presidents, get them drunk and in that state we would do away with borders on the continent.

6. Whats your favourite book & movie?

Book: Chimamanda Adichie’s ‘Half of a yellow sun” – I’ve read it about 4 times and can’t get over the story, how she tells it and how immersed I can get in it. Plus I learnt a lot about Biafra and Nigeria’s History without even knowing it. She has such a way with words.

Movie: Snatch! I love the script, quick wit, unbelievable turn of events and one of the few movies I can quote for almost any situation. And I think Guy Ritchie is a legend!

7. Who/What inspired you to do what you do now?

I’m in advertising now, but never thought that this would be my career. I remember listening to night time stories on the radio and knowing I wanted to be a part of telling those stories. Advertising came about because I love the human mind and understanding the psyche and how that can be influenced, but didn’t want to spend 7 years studying psychology.

8. If you were to change jobs, what profession would you get into? Why?

Travel writer. To travel and write, and tell stories of places and people.

9.If you had a superpower, what would it be?

To create a device that would play the sound of children’s laughter whenever people felt down.

10. If you were deserted on an abandoned island what 5 things would you want to have?

A note book
A pencil
Chimamanda’s books
A camera

11. If you were a car, what car would you like to be? Why?

I would be a Jaguar. I’m not into cars but I do love the feline element. Cats are so strong and yet graceful, and mysterious.

Jaguar XF

12. If you could be in any band in the world, which one would you like to be in? Why?

Tumi and The Volume. I wouldn’t contribute musically, just fit into their suitcase as they country hop making people bop, sing and contemplate life through their music.

Tumi and the Volume

13. Share something interesting with our readers

Hmmm. Life is interesting – live it.