
Every artists dream is not to be boxed in a genre or category. Dan Aceda has managed to do so while still maintaining his style. His new single ‘Inua’ is a gospel song where he is thanking God for his journey, can i get an Amen!! It is a very simple song to jam to due to the fact that he still gives it a benga feel. The only other artist who has successfully managed to do this is Pitson (A collaboration perhaps).

Dan Aceda is an award winning artist, songwriter,architect and actor  who scooped the 2012 Kalasha Award for best sound for film for the sound track and music on Simiyu Samurai.He has so far produced three albums and this new song is part of his upcoming album that he says is his way of appreciating God for all he has done for him.  He has also toured all over the world including the US and Europe.

I can already see the church taking up this song and hopefully we can give the ‘I know how I am‘ song a break. When Sauti Sol did the song ‘Kuliko Jana‘, which leaned more towards Christianity many felt that they had deviated from their genre. The same may be said for Aceda, however the fact that you have a spiritual life means you can do a song to honour whichever religion you profess. So can a gospel artist do a love song? yes as they also have a love life.

Check out Dan Aceda’s new single.

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