

I wrote this post because of ratchet, chips funga, council ya mafisi, and the socialite culture that is brainwashing Nairobi girls. This is the harsh reality of the modern sex-slave mother warned us against. Modern times while seeming to bring gender equality, have actually just given the wolf a better sheepskin. Worse; the wolf, man, got the sheep, woman, to willingly take it off for him.

Richard Dawkins, evolutionary scientist recommends that “if a person’s behavior doesn’t seem to benefit them, ask instead who it is benefitting.”

The Nairobi popular approach to sexuality today exploits women. When I talk about sexuality, I always stress that the sexes are not mirror-images; sometimes sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander.

Read this post for more of that.

Yes, a lady can be as sexually free as a man, but my argument is that she gains nothing from it. The more ‘free’ we become, the more we prove our mums right!

Mum said: “Men just want sex from women.”

Truth. Through evolution, women take care of family — the child is, after all, attached to them from the start. We have moved on from just physical roles however, and intelligence is clearly not gender-based. A woman can fulfill any modern role that a man can, but men are only paying full attention to her in the bedroom, and the twerking videos on the internet are not helping.

In an office environment today you hear economically successful men always offering ladies opportunity: not business opportunity, but the amazing opportunity to get drunk and have sex with them. As a woman today you find to your dismay that your employer or client is assessing your hips, not your certificates, and many ‘meetings’ have a hidden agenda.

Mum said: “Once he sleeps with you he stops respecting you.”

Truth. Ladies, you are equally educated, you have goals, needs and the desire to communicate with the people you meet. A man however, has almost no space for you if he can’t call you for sex. You are not equal to his friends; men believe all women have the same personality, that they cannot be interesting or funny, and therefore that there is nothing to discover after having sex with them.

When he says he will call you later, ask him “Yeah, what will we talk about?” and he will have no reply, because he wasn’t actually going to call.

Many ladies on Instagram only have pictures of themselves modeling or eating, because those get the most double taps. We need to show the world another side.

Mum said: “Men cheat.”

Truth. Yes they do. The game is to balance getting as many women with offending as few as possible, so when a woman says “be faithful,” he hears, “tell me better lies”. The unfortunate thing is that women will actually maintain fidelity throughout the whole relationship.

This is the one area I actually encourage Tit for Tat. Take your feminine revenge and let no man judge.

Mum said, “Women invest, men move fast and break things.”

Truth: Among themselves, men are heard sympathizing with a married man who has left his family for a younger woman, more than they sympathize with the family! They may even envy it, congratulating the cheater if he got away with it cheap. Around women, they pretend to be scandalized.

Think of it like this: a man produces millions of sperms a day until he is old. Women produce one egg a month and have a biological clock. Sexually, men are fast moving, and they prefer to travel light but a lady’s time is of immense value. I cannot stress this enough. Even the law is on the ladies’ side and they should not be afraid to carry out the full penalty to recover lost time. Besides feminine revenge, however, we should realize the less we can trust our relationships with men the more we should strive for a greater economic footprint.

So, what now?

The battle of the sexes in life is real, but ladies, you will not win it by being better bedroom bullies than men. You will not adequately sustain your life by being a femme fatale. Casual sex could not have been invented by a woman. If that was the case, maybe they would orgasm more often.

(Study: Likelihood of orgasm increased with repeated sexual experience with the same partner. Only 11% of women had orgasms with a first-time hook-up partner.)

How can man possibly have empathy for the risk of sex for a woman when she cannot have stability with him? In the event of anything, probably men imagine her feelings of childbirth or abortion is like taking a poop! Test his reaction today to true sexual equality with the news that having an abortion and castrating one of his balls is mathematically equal, and one should accompany the other.

A lowly construction worker can even whistle at a hard-working student on the street because she is a girl! He has no respect; he ogles as if she is free meat for the hungry, with no purpose other than to fulfill men’s desires for pretty things. In modern times a woman’s rightful place is in the economy; so how come the girl child is not yet the first woman president?

Choose your men with discretion. The rarest man treats sex as low priority, expects you to develop your abilities, and genuinely desires the long term benefits of partnership, not the short term pleasure of sex. Go into the world knowing majority of men will waste your time so don’t give it freely.