
It’s the season again in Mombasa on how to spot a Nairobian, each holiday our city is flocked by Nairobians enjoying our white sandy beach, our coastal dishes and our old town streets. As much as one would try to assimilate we can smell a Nairobian from far, plus to the obvious signs of a Nairobian.

As I walked our streets of Mombasa today, I spotted a few Nairobians; hence I started a hashtag on twitter #howtospotanairobian. There a few things Nairobians do that we quickly identify them


Easy to spot a Nairobian in Mombasa, wearing a hat and carrying bottled water and a camera at hand, taking photos of Old town. In addition, you will meet a Nairobian at city mall to wearing timberlands and hoody in the heat, or a trendy clothing. It’s so hot in Mombasa, our priority is to be comfortable, we don’t care about fashion statement.




A Nairobian will visit Tarboush to eat biriyani since it was mentioned in one of the Tujuane episodes, or barka/ island dishes. Also, will sample any fish presented, as niko coasto must try all type of seawater fish.

Beach life A Nairobian will take every kind of pose at the beach; will carry sand, seawater and shells to prove they went to the beach in coasto. But will scream while trying to get in the water as ripples of waves come crashing at the shore. Also, a Nairobian will go to every beach party as to be seen but no one cares because everyone is there to have a good time.





Every Nairobian will try to leave Mombasa having mastered the Swahili accent, answering the phone shouting niko coasto



Photo taking

The most common one is finding Nairobians at all landmarks i.e. Fort Jesus, Tusks and Mamba village taking photos in different poses.